
The first Mississippi River Trail sign at the Headwaters

Friday, August 19, 2016

Why am I doing this?

I have always wanted to do some kind of  epic bicycle journey across the country since I acquired my first Schwinn.  However, the pesky demands of daily life and earning a living make such an endeavor not too realistic. So year after year we defer such things until the time is right.  Being a recently emancipated worker bee from the daily grind I looked around and decided maybe that time is now.
Of course the biggest obstacle is convincing your spouse to agree such a dubious plan. This takes some careful crafting of rationales, cajoling, compromises and even whining but with time my wife actually was on board.  She wisely deferred the idea of joining me but did volunteer to provide a pick up at the end and some support visits along the way. It does not hurt that her sister lives literally at the end of the road where the river ends.

Why the Mississippi River?

I could talk about the river being the source of life and artery of the nation but the reasons are more akin to practical considerations. I live near the beginning. My relatives near the end. It is all downhill. I don't need to cross any mountain ranges or deserts. No sixty mile stretches without water. Lots of little river towns and some big ones means a steady supply of gas station grilled hot dogs and Icees.  There is a lot of history that took place along its shores which I like as well as interesting friendly people I hope.
Also I think something  about following a river literally from its beginning to its end that appeals to me. Exploration at a snail's pace in this era of speed.

Why am I bringing a 65 lb. Golden Retriever with me?

I will grant you 65 lbs of useless Golden Retriever is a real dead weight that will slow me down and kill me on the hills.  In fact with his trailer, food, water and bedding he approaches 100 lbs.  But a golden retriever is hard to beat for loyal companionship, enthusiasm, ability to forgive and best of all a ice breaker to potential new friends along the way.  He won't complain when its raining and cold.
My daily mileage will be a fraction of that of a spandex clad carbon fiber uber-cyclist but that is the trade off for having man's best friend with me.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir, While your narrative of your exploits, joys & travails are of some interest & even mildly amusing at times, I mean, really, who cares? I want to hear more about the dog. Respectfully, Craig Poeschl (not to be confused with Craig Poeschel), Blaine, MN.
